Next Meeting

Saturday, September 15, 2024

11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Club Picnic Hosted By:

Jim & Nancy Wilson

At their home:

111 Hill Side Drive, Crescent City (Smith River), CA

Click here for Map

For updated Cruise-In information scheduled by Mike King, use the link below:


Upcoming Car Shows: Click here for upcoming car shows

The above “Upcoming Car Shows” link will take you to the Oregon Car Culture Page that lists all of the Oregon Car Shows Scheduled. This information is not gathered by the Curry County Cruisers.

Mission Statement

The Curry County Cruisers car club was formed to preserve, promote and encourage the enjoyment of all special interest automobiles, trucks, and motorcycles. By means of our Annual Car Show, we are committed to fund various charities within the community, to help those entities that provide tremendous support to those in need.

About The Car Club.

Our club was formed in 1987 by a group of local car enthusiasts. We meet once a month, on the second Sunday and anyone interested in learning more about our club is invited to attend.

“The Curry County Cruisers car club was formed to Preserve, promote and Encourage the enjoyment of all Special Interest Automobiles”


Already a member?

Renew you annual membership through our online store.
The members of the Curry County Cruisers donated $7,600 to Local-Region Charities and Non-Profits in 2019.  Monies are raised via entry fees to the Azalea Festival Car Show and other club activities throughout the year. Receiving groups are considered & chosen by club membership vote each year.

If you enjoy cars, fun &
giving back to our community

Join Us Today!